We are pleased to announce that from 4th to 6th of December 2019 in Trento (Italy) we are organizing a workshop on “Photonic Reservoir Computing and information processing in complex network” at the premises of the Bruno Kessler Foundation

The workshop is organized within the ERC AdG project Backup “Unveiling the relationship between brain connectivity and function by integrated photonics” and the PRIN project PELM “Photonic Extreme Learning Machine: from neuromorphic computing to universal optical interpolant, strain gauge sensor and cancer morphodynamic monitor”. 


The 1st edition of the BRANDY Summer School: Interdisciplinary Research on Brain Network Dynamics will take place from 24th till 28th of June 2019 in Terzolas, Val di Sole, Trentino region, Italy. 

The interest in neuronal networks is growing exponentially. The BRANDY Summer School will stimulate a multi-disciplinary approach by bringing together international students, young researchers, and experts with distinct scientific backgrounds, all sharing an interest in neuronal network dynamics

University of Trento SPIE student chapter Vi invita a celebrare la Giornata Internazionale della Luce proclamata dall'UNESCO in data 16 maggio 2019. 

Ci troviamo presso "Uva e Menta", giovedi 16 maggio alle ore 17.30, per prendere una birra e capire insieme in modo semplice come la luce e le nuove tecnologie stanno rivoluzionando il nostro modo di comunicare.


Automatic Initialization Methods for Photonic Components on a Silicon-Based Optical Switch

S. Tondini, C. Castellan, M. A. Medina and L. Pavesi   

Appl. Sci. 2019, 9(9)

DOI: 10.3390/app9091843

We are happy to welcome Chiara Rindone who will join our lab as the Laboratory Assistant.  Good luck with the new job!