Welcome to Claudio Castellan, Stefano Signorini, Chiara Piotto (all in Physics PhD School) and Cecilia Maestri (in Biotech PhD School) that will join the lab as PhD students. They will work on Photonics (Claudio and Stefano) and in nanobiophysics (Chiara and Cecilia)
Spectral- and time-resolved electroluminescence of silicon nanocrystals based light emitting devices
S. Tondini, G. Pucker and L. Pavesi
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 455103 (5pp)
From 23rd to 30th October, 2015 the Department of Physics (University of Trento) in collaboration with FBK, CNR and MUSE is organizing the Photonics week in Trento within the International year of the Light
For more details see the agenda
We congratulate Tatevik Chalyan – best oral presentation winner at Optics 2015 (Optics and its Applications 2015 - October 1 - 5, 2015 Yerevan - Ashtarak, Armenia).
We should also congratulate Romain who has directed her work! This result is always an outcome of a team work.
Ultra-high-Q thin-silicon nitride strip-loaded ring resonators
L. Stefan, M. Bernard, R. Guider, G. Pucker, L. Pavesi, and M. Ghulinyan
Optics Letters Vol. 40, Issue 14, pp. 3316-3319 (2015) doi: 10.1364/OL.40.003316