Chaotic Dynamics in Coupled Resonator Sequences

M. Mancinelli, M. Borghi, F. Ramiro-Manzano, J. M. Fedeli and L. Pavesi

 Abstract - PDF

Optics Express, 22, 14505 (2014)


Optically induced thermal and free carrier nonlinearities in silicon micro-ring resonator influence their behavior. They can be either deleterious by making them instable and by driving their resonances out of the designed wavelengths, or enabler of different applications. Among the most interesting one, there are optical bistability and self induced oscillations. These lead to all optical logic, signal modulation, optical memories and applications in neural networks. Here, we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate that when many resonators are coupled together, thermal and free carrier nonlinearities induce also chaos. The chaotic dynamics are deeply analyzed using experimentally reconstructed phase space trajectories and the tool of Lyapunov exponents.