Chromatic dispersion compensation via an all-optical perceptron

Emiliano Staffoli, Gianpietro Maddinelli, Mattia Mancinelli, Paolo Bettotti, and Lorenzo Pavesi


Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12894, 2024


DOI: 10.1117/12.2692979


SiN integrated photonic components in the Visible to Near-Infrared spectral region

Matteo Sanna, Alessio Baldazzi, Gioele Piccoli, Stefano Azzini, Mher Ghulinyan 

and Lorenzo Pavesi

Optics Express, Vol. 32, No. 6, 11 Mar 2024


DOI: 10.1364/OE.514505



Decoding Epileptic Seizures: Exploring In Vitro Approaches to Unravel Pathophysiology and Propel Future Therapeutic Breakthroughs

Y. Heydari, Y. Bozzi and L. Pavesi 

Biomedical Materials & Devices (2024)


DOI: 10.1007/s44174-024-00158-4



Photonic Neural Networks Based on Integrated Silicon Microresonators

S. Biasi, G. Donati, A. Lugnan, M. Mancinelli, E. Staffoli, and L. Pavesi

INTELLIGENT COMPUTING, 16 Jan 2024, Vol 3, Article ID: 0067


DOI: 10.34133/icomputing.0067