We are happy to announce that the registration to attend the 12th edition of the Optoelectronics and Photonics Winter School is open. Deadline in on 1st November 2022 

This year the school is about Photonic Quantum Information Processing and will be held from 21 till 27 of January 2023 on Hotel Montana, Monte Bondone (Trento - Italy). 
The School Directors are Lorenzo Pavesi and Mher Ghulinyan. For more info look at the school site or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All are invited to join! 









Silicon oxynitride platform for linear and nonlinear photonics at NIR wavelength                 

G. Piccoli, M. Sanna, M. Borghi, L. Pavesi and M.Ghulinyan

OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS Vol.12 Issue 9 pp. 3551-3562  (2022) 


 URL: http://opg.optica.org/ome/abstract.cfm?URI=ome-12-9-3551




Interferometric cavity ringdown technique for ultrahigh Q-factor microresonators

 S. Biasi, F. Franchi and L. Pavesi

OPTICS LETTER Vol.47 n. 16  (2022) 


DOI: 10.1364/OL.467590






We are happy to welcome our new Post-Doc Tiziano Facchinelli who will work on research activity with title "Functional materials from natural sources". 


We are happy to welcome Camilla Kandamulla Arachchige who will join our lab as the Laboratory Assistant.  Good luck with the new job!