A Microring as a Reservoir Computing Node: Memory/Nonlinear Tasks and Effect of Input Non-ideality

D. Bazzanella, S. Biasi, M. Mancinelli and L. Pavesi




DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3183694










We are pleased to announce that on 7th of June, 2022 we organize a workshop "Students talk to Students". The workshop will take place in the  room A221, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico Fabio Ferrari (Povo 1) starting from 2.30 p.m. 


Workshop program

Design and fabrication of integrated tunable lasers on InP platform for sensing applications

Dr. Stefano Tondini

Eindhoven University of Technology - Netherlands


The talk gives an overview of the mature InP generic platform and the novel InP membrane on silicon (IMOS) platform. After introducing the design workflow established at the Photonic Integration group of TU/e, a few integrated tunable laser schemes are discussed, together with the issues that are being faced for an optimal driving. Some current application opportunities, such as gas sensing, LIDAR, OCT, and an outlook at the Netherlands’ ecosystem for Photonic Innovation close the talk.

We are happy to welcome our two new Post-Docs Nicolò Leone and Clara Zaccaria.  Nicolò Leone will work within the SPEQK project while Clara Zaccaria will work within the BACKUP project.


Perirhinal Cortex LTP Does Not Require Astrocyte BDNF‐TrkB Signaling

B. Vignoli and M. Canossa

Cells, Vol. 11, 1501 (2022)


DOI: 10.3390/cells11091501