18th November 2014, Department of Humanities, room 007, Trento.

Prof. Lorenzo Pavesi will give a public educational seminar about the Nobel Prize 2014 in Physics. The talk will be in italian. 

A student of the University of Trento, Mr. Claudio Castellan, has published a new physics-disseminative site called “Introduzione all'optoelettronica” (Introduction to optoelectronics) as a homework of the course “Physical Science Communication and Teaching Methods” (Prof. Stefano Oss, Physics Department, University of Trento).

The aim of the site is to provide a new interesting thematic, the optoelectronics, to the physics teachers of high school.

Link to the site


Trento, October 13th (2014)

Here you can find a full interview with Massimo Borghi, NanoLab PhD student, about his Nature Photonics award of Best Student Oral Presentation (IEEE 11th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Paris, France)

The interview have been published in the Magazine of the University of Trento.

Purcell effect and luminescent downshifting in silicon nanocrystals coated back-contact solar cells

F. Sgrignuoli, P. Ingenhoven, G. Pucker, V.D. Mihailetchi, E. Froner, Y. Jestin, E. Moser, G. Sànchez and L. Pavesi

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 132, 267 (2015)

29th August 2014, IEEE 11th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Paris, France.

Mr Massimo Borghi has won the Nature Photonics award of Best Student Oral Presentation.