The Nanoscience Laboratory Kick off Meeting 2014  will be held on December 5th  in room A204, Polo Scientifico e Technologico, Fabio Ferrari.

This year we have two invited speakers: prof. Assanto on Nematicons in the morning and prof. Ricci on Chaos in the afternoon.

For more info please see the agenda of the meeting 

Wen Qi Zhang, M. A. Lohe, Tanya M. Monro, Paolo Bettotti, Lorenzo Pavesi, and Shahraam Afshar V

Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 22, pp. 27643-27654 (2014)

Intermode reactive coupling induced by waveguide-resonator interaction

M. Ghulinyan, F. Ramiro-Manzano, N. Prtljaga, M. Bernard, L. Pavesi, G. Pucker and I. Carusotto

Phys Rev A 90, 053811 (2014)

18th November 2014, Department of Humanities, room 007, Trento.

Prof. Lorenzo Pavesi will give a public educational seminar about the Nobel Prize 2014 in Physics. The talk will be in italian. 

A student of the University of Trento, Mr. Claudio Castellan, has published a new physics-disseminative site called “Introduzione all'optoelettronica” (Introduction to optoelectronics) as a homework of the course “Physical Science Communication and Teaching Methods” (Prof. Stefano Oss, Physics Department, University of Trento).

The aim of the site is to provide a new interesting thematic, the optoelectronics, to the physics teachers of high school.

Link to the site