The course on Quantum Photonics will be held On Tuesday 19th of May and on Wednesday 20th of May. The course is organized within the project SiQuro

UNITRENTO magazine published the article about the Biosensing Workshop held at the Department of Physics, UNITN n 30th of March, 2015

As usual, we published the Highlights of the 2014 activity of the Nanoscience laboratory. 

You can find them here 

On-chip photonic label-free biosensors

On March 30th  at 2.00 p.m., in room A107 Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico Fabio Ferrari,  Davide Gandolfi will present his thesis “On-chip photonic label-free biosensors”

Interaction of dark solitons generated in spectral compressor

Friday 13th of March at 14.30 in Aula Seminari di Fisica  Tatevik Chalyan will give a talk on Dark Solitons