On-chip photonic label-free biosensors

On March 30th  at 2.00 p.m., in room A107 Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico Fabio Ferrari,  Davide Gandolfi will present his thesis “On-chip photonic label-free biosensors”

Interaction of dark solitons generated in spectral compressor

Friday 13th of March at 14.30 in Aula Seminari di Fisica  Tatevik Chalyan will give a talk on Dark Solitons

On March 30th, in room A203 Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico Fabio Ferrari there will be a Workshop on Biosensing. 

We will have several speakers, among them: prof. Laura Lechuga on Lab-on-chip  biosensors and prof. Stefano Selleri on Biosensing through fiber based and mobile-phone based approaches.

Role of Edge Inclination in an Optical Microdisk Resonator for Label-Free Sensing

Davide Gandolfi, Fernando Ramiro-Manzano, Francisco Javier Aparicio Rebollo, Mher Ghulinyan, Georg Pucker and Lorenzo Pavesi

Special Issue Advances in Optical Biosensors (February 2015)

Multi-mode interference revealed by two photon absorption in silicon rich SiO2 waveguides

S. Manna,F. Ramiro-Manzano,M. GhulinyanM. MancinelliF. TurriG. Pucker and L. Pavesi

Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 071109 (2015)